Six Healthy Dinner Ideas For Weight Loss:
Hello how about I’m the karate welcome to this lesson of
vocabulary in this lesson you can learn a vocabulary about health then let's
start are you ready very good ah Google here it was the first time you here to
work and anxiety slowly ends with time we are the world with seven the waiting
room health the prescription OK that's all for runaway relationship inside
watching you waiting runaway saw the relationship with mayo no longer clusters
grade marina led spoor DE injuries in the video star and develop interrupted
with Spanish and other languages I am not like the website of practices of
dumping western money in the website you can find and in trier dump and the
The inner self time to review the ball ponder and someone on
someone on the me that am not fine activities gray include in the Bucharest
area the help you practice and news the vocal biological also write link or the
text of website show with you can find in videos nor extortion is the thief and
his staff comeback which the files Antoinette led journal AL liver link
runaways from the relation down below where midnight the game health topic
today and just a reminder that you can buy my books on Amazon like to master
your oral Spanish vocabulary for Geese and even this what would you like to get
for your Spanish parents in a week so they can reach it in a kind of extremely
quick crash course right now or maybe that summer that means I'll eat you a
life a healthy life so i lead one healthy life we have to put the adjective
after noun yes more than let it be arcane they will ask you in the ask Kiev
this, but I leave a year or maybe it's Ana or maybe they say yes America won't
be there in the summer, although it will you are living a healthy life and you
listen to your answer the two purple ones and the three red the two purple are
about the activities you do and the red it's about eating and drinking.
Diet Plan For Women
So first of all you can say egg or me play and you always
have to follow him with her and then tennis good, or do you have to tennis
soccer volleyball any of them They are all the same in English and Spanish oh
you have this alternative loose floor structure Dennis now swings the local
guard gets your extra points in the oral and also you mean that I usually play
so you can do whatever is a habit use this structure inflate with the
infinitive so those are two options there if it is not a sport you can win a
game you can play with a ball like tennis, soccer, volleyball, hockey you are
going to use a different verb so you're not even if it's the word they both do
sports, you're not going to I say I do sports, we don't put what we put on do
it so at an angle there are birthdays I do sports or I like it with a sweater
like Up here he fans or attends a birthday so you are going to choose one of
these with your birthday is fine here are some examples of small weekly sports
that are obviously I'm not going to ride you on a bike that I You know you know
what swimming means, so do sure your ball sports are up here and anything else
is down here and does sure you alternate between the verb angle and something
like we have to know who got because I will give you extra points exactly.
The same rules here for what eat come on what you
drink Bible what you Would any toe be fine, for counterexample fruit or as
vegetables so I usually eat fruits like vegetables bay-buy water I drink water
swell o Eddie dad and I assumed that day usually Avoid chocolate, so in each
case I have a choice between the verb in the I form and inflate with the
infinitive like this here are some other things that you might want to avoid
last august AL corn which obviously means drugs and alcohol and give a reason
to that why can hell go through my dad is Graves I like that rhythm of money
little thing there and my dad is better gravid is fine so you go 'say you In
general, avoid drugs and alcohol because they can cause serious illness i know
that sounds a little strange but you're getting phrases in this way lower me
the drugs because cows can are serious diseases and all your all of these
things that you are doing if it will not be that summer in which I live healthy
now why do you do this for this reason but one month at the shape to be in
shape yes but when we leave sauna plus a month in the form and hear all the
details of what you do and the land.
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