Two young 80 Mexico 7 Aug 7 I am in your fantastic team this is growing sign it on my belly we are all excited that's why when I go walking silver lab I sing, and they lie I have never felt happier in my life He mentioned that I want to have the baby that I want to enjoy every moment. I think it is the most exciting there is no one that I will tell you I feel very proud and excited this is the most exciting moment of my life it is really exciting awaiting the arrival of your baby that moment when you can imagine if how much you will enjoy.
life with your new baby how much you want to have a healthy
baby and plan for a happy future of course he wants the best for his baby that
is why it is important to remember that you can affect your baby's future
depending on what you eat so long before she gets pregnant as during your
pregnancy your diet and the weight you gain during your pregnancy are very
important for your health your baby's health and what life brought him ahead of
course you have heard that you need to eat well but what does that mean you
want to have the strongest and healthiest baby possible even if you have to
change your diet because there is an easy guide that teaches you how to do it
it's called the food pyramid guide this pyramid consists of proposed witnesses
are easy to remember the base of the pyramid as well as the basis of a balanced
diet during your pregnancy It is the food group of the Spanish and cereals
choose among themselves even so positions of this group giving preference to
the whole grain breads and cereals since fiber contains the nutrients so
important for its party this group is so important if you can eat at least two
positions that are in your affiliates in each of the meals a position it's a
slice of bread homily caress cereal flakes explodes or
rush it eats you inflated serial three-quarter cup required for each serving
the second group.
It is the one with the vegetables It is suitable 35 servings
of vegetables per day one setting is half a cup of most vegetables with a cup
of edible leafy vegetables enjoyed both the short reads and the ribs keep fresh
carrots on hand pack of peppers radishes lettuce tomatoes I treated breaks that
you prefer to facilitate the preparation of salads with meals or to explode
peace between meals the fruit is in the third group 2 to 4 servings of fruit
add to your diet the important appointment and vitamin c one position is a
medium-sized fruit although the banana generally count as two positions fruits
as excellent as snacks between meals or as desserts they are rich and
nutritious and fluids your body needs especially during pregnancy Another great
benefit I am eating the indicated propositions of breads of whole grains
cereals fruits and vegetables can solve another common problem during pregnancy
the constipation since these foods contain a lot of fiber pregnant women who
are used to walking exercise in addition to eating a diet rich in fiber have
far fewer problems with constipation it's only true maybe this one also feels
here he always has to be going.
To the bathroom especially during the last weeks then don't
worry the problem will go away as soon as your baby is born until then keep eating
nutritious food and drinking enough water children and the issue of milk takes
us to the fourth group of the food pyramid the milk products and it is that he
did yogurt and milk are existing calcium bridges the mineral that is needed for
the formation of good and strong bones dentures both for you and your baby one
position is a slice of cheese a one and a half ounce cheese cube that we give a
glass of milk or a cup of yogurt Justin and Jessica dexterity four servings of
products made from hatch milk this is much more important if you are a young
mother since your own bones are developing as well as emery's so jury can eat
at least four dairy group positions each day this species has difficulty
drinking a lot of milk you can choose other dairy products like pudding yogurt
or text is fifth group includes meat condition Beans peas you did not do and
peanut butter two servings a day is enough for you and your developing baby
remember a portion of meat is really not very big just the size of the palm of
your hand and it only takes two tablespoons of peanut butter to have a portion
of meat from you the secret to helping your baby be born strong and healthy the
cyclist to castile here a little exercise eat a balanced amount of nutritious
foods from each of these food groups and increases the recommended weight it is
important for you to remove your baby yesterday Tuesday I did not like milk for
him at all everything.
I do you eat fair ate a lot of black or ministerial faith
like twice a day I like cheese so I ate hackers in the next few days I frankly
believe that fruit and vegetables are very important especially for sandwiches
in quotes and for the baby and the protein calcium are very important that's
why he tried to include a lot of dairy products as for the water i I drink a
lot of water especially when it's hot outside the last top of the pyramid is
very small includes fats and sugar it is advisable to eat these only in
moderation since they just have next to nothing but that you and your baby need
to stay healthy Conversely fats and sugar can fill it up and then it will no
longer want to eat the food ration of the other groups in the pyramid the ones
that would help the baby grow strong and healthy we have night when he craves a
treat just remember that moderation means small amounts he does not mean to
eliminate them completely from his diet if you use moderation with fats and
sugar probably you will increase to the floor necessary to have a healthy baby
and you can still easily lose those important pregnancy gilts after the baby is
born So there are other important tickets for a healthy pregnancy the food
pyramid is not found and it is very important just hard water I had 8 glasses
of water each locker for a change.
You can add a lemon slice some fruit juice and that's it a
good food ration consists of plenty of water three small meals and three snacks
between meals per day you only need to add about three hundred calories from
the food pyramid every day to keep your body healthy to help your baby aria roll
an fee strong list if fair then to take something is there streets of whole
grains to the I work to enjoy them between meals so one more slice of bread a
glass of low-fat or skim milk Hank one more fruit and one more serving of
veggies are enough to add nutritionally the three extra calorie tapes this one
needs and in a few months later your baby and you will be happy to have helped
him to stanza shapes because he eats healthily and because he has gained enough
weight by eating nutritionally Another possibly this is because you are
concerned about gaining weight maybe they are afraid that it makes her fat too
much you may never know how much you should gain weight and when some moms
think he's just trying to put on the pounds that they think the baby must think
that is not true so that you can have a healthy baby your body needs to add
weight in several places These are the kilos that you will want to increase
first he is going to increase it that Perez must about 8 pounds three and a
half kilo then we have a pound half a kilo for the placenta that feed the pill
and some two pounds almost a kilo of the liquid to June explained that the
cushion protected the baby during.
Health and Beauty Tips |
A rural clinic your body will also add about 3 pounds bunching
and quarter of tissue to the breasts but up to 8 pounds one to three and a half
kilos of body fat a total of 2 pounds just under a kilo muscle tissue in
general you need to gain between 25 to 35 pounds and even if he got 16 kilos to
be able to have a baby is strong and healthy while you can maintain this
standard of course most women worry that never before the planned some young
women who are so scary that they even try to go on a diet when they are
pregnant peace that's too dangerous both for you and your baby I heard the
comments of some moms respect to a child late weight Quartet were more than 50
years in this sense Jimenez hundred per year pap that after that you can lose
them after having the baby you can do bull exercise.
But I am interested in what impact it has to feed the baby, she assures testified more quiet and you can lose weight after the baby is born be that it is not so difficult if you really intend to do it in any case the baby is going to help you because soon he will be running around stay away from the chocolate bars what i mean this incident get fat all the text highlights the add the garrotes school milk hair is sweet released all this last night there are sales lists it's away goal problem because you lose everything started good h I think I have this in nine months to create a brain and the rest of my life to beautify my body so I don't worry they will choose nothing there is no presumption and the only concern is that my baby is settled so that if according to the pollster of course it will not be go over the recommended but what interests me the most is money and after time it worries him nor does it belong to him find out that I'm going to gain weight look at being increased in Ramming in a country.
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