Food For Health

Hello wants to learn what his money should look like by eating a healthy meal and balanced because I paid a lot of attention already that this video will provide you with a lot of information Today we will hear from Maria Fernando about my plate doctor Diaz on the importance of eating balanced meals and the impact our bodies have and Edwin’s story about how new eating habits changed his style of lifetime we will finally review what we learned today and I will tell you about an activity fun you can do at home but before we start let's see how much do you know about nutrition i took one pen and paper to answer some questions number 1 name two types of grains number two name a chronic disease number 3 what fraction of your covenant stuffed with fruits and vegetables these are tough questions but fear not we will learn about how eating healthy meals and the impact on our body for our guests be sure to save the paper last from the video we will review the questions Now let's learn about nutrition from Maria Fernando.


Hi, I'm the nutritionist Maria Fernando Urogenital and this time I want share with you how to use the my plate tool recommended by the help from him and is part of the use dietary guides my plate se consists of five sections which are fruits vegetables grains protein and dairy it is very important that our daily diet let's include fruits and vegetables this group is a source important of vitamins, minerals and fiber is going to help us a lot digestive health and also decrease other blood sugar levels group that is also an important source fiber is grains but here you should prefer those grains whole or whole grains whole like oats, wheat and rice whole wheat or whole wheat bread or pasta integral and avoid those that are made from refined flours besides being an important source of fiber this It is also an important source of B vitamins and protein from vegetable origin together with legumes like chickpea beans and lentils for another part we have the proteins of animal origin such as beef pork chicken seafood eggs and dairy derivatives in addition to dairy derivatives like cheeses too we already have the dairy group and in this we find the milk and it is very It is important to prefer skimmed instead of whole milks we also have the other option to search some alternatives like milk soy rice and almond vegetables.


Health And Weight Loss

Now we already knew the 5 sections from my plate and it's time to distribute in our plate this how we are going to do I recommend that you do it next 50 percent of your plate It must be a fruit and vegetable quarter of it should correspond to the protein you have chosen from either Animal origin or vegetable and a quarter should correspond to whole grains in this case prefer those who are integral when selecting the fruits and vegetables it is important to choose a wide variety of colors this will allow you to include in your diet all the vitamins and minerals that are specific to each of them if we follow these recommendations of mike Leigh from jived let's go ensure a varied diet and balanced that will provide multiple benefits to our health Thanks Maria Fernando for the advice nutritious remember the three simple steps.

That Maria Fernando provided us how to prepare your next meal now We will hear from Dr. Diaz about how nutritious eating affects the body hello greetings to all i am the doctor Baby Diaz and I work in the clinic of the Santa Barbara county in Santa Maria in each consultation the most important thing for me what is the nutrition and well-being of the family today I will focus on the adolescent nutrition but in these tips are used for all the family in the USA roughly 33% of children and adolescents are overweight obese most adolescents who are obese remain obese in the adulthood being overweight in the adolescence and adulthood can cause medical problems such as high blood pressure fatty liver diabetes heart attacks cause of overweight in children is eating much lack of food healthy and not being enough exercise today I will focus on the importance of having a diet healthy to help prevent and treat being overweight to prevent these future medical conditions consuming fruits and vegetables may help prevent heart disease and strokes be pro vascular as well as some types of cancer doctors recommend avoiding or limiting.


Eating meat and red because studies have shown to increase risk of suffering from heart disease and cancer processed foods such as things that come canned packaged or frozen are not healthy because they usually have more to sugar bad fats and preservatives over time consuming processed food trans-fat results in obesity can raise your cholesterol level or the chances of illness of the heart to consume foods with a lot of fiber can help prevent heart disease if you have diabetes type 2 can also help control your blood sugar level is per why it is important to consume more foods that come from plants with little consumption of products that come from animal in short I want to give you some simple recommendations try a new fruit or vegetable every week search the internet about the nutrition and wellness they have in the body to all parents I remember that you have the power to buy healthy meals for you and your family hope these tips help you my wish for you is that learn about nutrition to make you healthier and happier in their lives thank you doctor Diaz for the suggestions healthy next time you visit the market discovers a new vegetable or fruit finally we will hear the story of Edwin and like new eating habits healthy have changed.


His life Hi, my name is Edwin Jimenez. Santa Barbara county resident in May 2019 I was diagnosed with fatty liver so non-alcoholic is diseases excessive fat accumulated in the liver does not caused by excess alcohol can be caused by different or different things like obesity or diabetes there is no treatment for this disease the only way to improve the liver is to through changing your habits eating and losing weight when I went diagnosed the first time I gave mind that I should change my eating habits and losing weight I started to see what I had at home since everything the doctor told me that I shouldn't eat it was potatoes cereals pasta goes rice I also started to eat more natural foods such as vegetables and fruit lentils chickpeas reduce my meat consumption red and I started eating more fish more nuts peanuts and seeds like sunflower seeds and I also started to explore different dairy options are like milk from almonds or coconut milk I started to look product labels on the stores look for products with ingredients simple ingredients.

That I know or that I know to pronounce if a product contains an ingredient that I do not know, it is not pronounced has excess or excess sugar or I don't buy it and I also started making ready-made foods at home instead of buying them in Latin at the store such as salsa de tomato almond milk this sometimes those products contain ingredients that I prefer not to consume as per example almond milk sometimes contains added sugar and in I only use almonds and water at home when I started eating healthy I thought that it was only about eating salads but I realized that you can make your favorite dishes more healthy such as enchiladas instead of using the tortilla I use pumpkin the pumpkin is sliced if you can fill it with cheese or chicken put the sauce the cheese and you can cook in an oven or you can cook in a casserole other way than me like to consume more fruits and vegetables is through the smoothies every morning I have a smoothie that contains spinach kale cucumber ginger celery and others and fruits like strawberries banana or orange depends what keep my home after all this life has changed I feel more in with more energy healthier I can be more active I was able to heal my liver within nine months.


Health and Beauty Tips

When it usually heals in several years and I was also able to lose weight of 254 pounds at 180 pounds I hope with this video or with my story people are motivated to eat healthier and change your eating habits that I don't know wait until I pass you one disease or diagnosed with a disease I wish I had known before me ill how important it is to eat healthy and have good eating habits thanks for listening to my story and I hope to motivate you to eat healthy and stop and have a better lifestyle wow what an amazing story homemade meals are very delicious and sane now knows how to fill his plate to enjoy a healthy meal and balanced now he remembers about the questions when start of the video let's review another time number 1 name two types of grains there are as many types of grains as rice whole wheat quinoa whole wheat and a lot plus number two names a disease chronic with an unhealthy diet there is many types of chronic diseases that can develop as diabetes high fat pressure in the liver and many more number 3 what fraction of your plate should be filled with fruits and vegetables if you said is half your plate or 50% no ding this is correct and thank you for joining us today to learn about the importance of eating healthy and balanced meals but before saying.


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