Weight Loss Diet Food Menu

Weight Loss Diet Food:

Hello Dr. Burke here in this post I want to talk about spinach OK you want good news or bad news first good news, good news, is that it? it is rich in iron and magnesium I mean it's off the charts, too very high in vitamin A but it is a per vitamin A must be converted to vitamin K tons of vitamin K if that's for clotting and if they bruise you easily you want to consume that so it's loaded with chlorophyll and also vitamin C, making it really good for many different things in the body folic acid be into bed which is for the heart it may also be that it can improve oracular degeneration supports the eye probably because vitamin.                                                        

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A and also due to all the nutrients in there Hahn thing and lute in and things like that's fine, it's an anti-inflammatory and the list goes on and on and on and on alright so that's the good news, the bad news is loaded with oxalate and if you have a predisposition to the kidney stones you have to be cautious because oxalate are certain things in the body that will begin to extract calcium and combine and create stones and that it can be very painful but there is certain things you can do to get off the number one risk of oxalate stones you can steam the spinach, but make sure you don't overdo it and you cook it too a lot because you kill everything in okay so if you vaporize it you decrease nutrition by about eleven percent if you cook it completely as I remember going to an Indian restaurant and they serve this spinach has literally been cooking for a long time there is no nutrition left on that thing and there are probably no oxalate either but steaming will lower the oxalate lemon adding.                                                                 
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Lemon will also help reduce oxalate and potassium nitrate okay so that's the supplement because the combined seat rates and actually inactivate oxalate and then there is calcium, calcium will help reduce oxalate stones because combines in your digestive system I will not let it form in the kidney that I like to get my calcium from G And I love cheese, I'm from Wisconsin and The other day I had raw milk amazing Swiss Alpine cheese I love those shoes and it's from Trader Joe's have something really good the calcium that cheese consumes so much too lower your calcium your calcium oxalate stones well and the last thing that I I want to mention about spinach, is that you? Really make sure it's always organic because if you consume it alone commercial spinach is often from sources that could be exposed to know about DDT and other chemicals that are banned in America.


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