50 Foods You Must Avoid If You Want To Lose Weight

Hey there viewers and welcome back to beast! Weight loss is not child’s play. The journey to your desired weight starts with making dietary changes. Cutting back on foods high in fat plays a major role in dropping those extra calories. Losing weight is a combination of eating nutritious food, being physically active and knowing what to avoid like those foods high in fat with empty calories. With so many options it’s difficult to make the right choice.


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Where do you start? No more chips? What about meats and desserts? Here are 50 foods that you must avoid if you want to lose weight. Sugary Beverages Sugary drinks are basically beverages that contain added sweeteners and flavors. These include soda, tonic, fruit punch, energy drinks and more. A single tablespoon contains about 4 grams of sugar. A typical can of soda contains 7 to 10 tablespoons of sugar. Swap you can of soda with a glass of lemon water for accelerating weight loss.


Which beverage do you prefer? Tell us in the comments! Potato Chips Potato chips contain extra flavoring, additives, fat and sugar. Out of all the fat causing offenders, potato chips are the worst! Along with a dangerous amount of sodium, a bag of chips is also high in Tran’s fat. This leads to obesity along with heart disease, diabetes and Alzheimer's. Go for healthy snacks like celery, kale chips, dark chocolate or apple slices with peanut butter! Processed Meats Obesity and weight gain is directly linked to processed meats which include sausages, salami, beef jerky and canned meat.


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They contain many different combinations of irresistible and delicious flavors, additives and fat which usually makes people overeat. They lack fiber, protein, vitamins and other essential nutrients. So, if you are looking to ditch a few pounds then processed meats is a no-go! White Rice is a staple food for half of Earth’s population. Easy to cook, and versatile, it’s packed with calories. A single cup of rice contains 200 calories which is a disaster for someone looking to lose weight. When compared to brown rice, white rice is stripped off its vitamins and minerals during the refining process. Filled with crabs, this food should be avoided at all costs or replaced with unprocessed brown rice. Sugary Cereal Sugar equals fat.


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Cereal is one of the most overlooked foods to avoid for weight loss. Added sugars found in cereal, candy and other baked goods contribute to weight gain. If not taken care of in the early stages it can cause diabetes, chronic heart conditions and obesity. Looking to replace cereal? Go for whole grain-based cereals that digest easily and quickly. Diet Soda How can something with diet in its name contribute to weight gain? Low calorie doesn’t mean low sugar content. In the long run, artificial and refined sugar causes weight gain.


Drinking zero calorie, sweetened drinks confuse the body because it expects the calories that aren’t actually there. This causes it to increase insulin and sugar levels leading to fat storage and eventually contributing to weight gain. French Fries a typical helping of French fries contain around 427 calories which means it’s a high calorie food. Made with potatoes and deep fried in oil, French fries are a quick ticket to obesity. Often eaten along with other junk foods, ketchup and topped sometimes with melted cheese, they also increase your risk of overeating. Red Meat Red meat like pork, beef and lamb are packed with protein and are a rich source of iron.


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This high iron content decreases the release of certain hormones in the brain which leaves you with a monster appetite. When eaten in excess this can increase the risk of heart disease and weight gain. Try to limit your red meat intake to just 3 ounces per week. Whipped Cream Desserts don’t feel complete without a rich dollop of whipped cream. We’re used to having cream in coffee, baked goods and all sorts of other things. It is made from heavy cream and is packed with calories. A two-tablespoon serving has 100 calories and 10 grams of fat. Clearly, it’s a no go if you are looking to lose weight! Chocolate bars Chocolate is the world's favorite dessert.


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While dark chocolate has health benefits, milk chocolate bars are packed with calories and sugar and very little nutrients. Did you know that the consumption of chocolate in America has gone up from 74% to 81% in just 10 years? These bars also increase appetite and be honest, when was the last time you had ONE BITE? They’re just plain unhealthy and you should resist the temptation! Peanut Butter Peanuts are high in fat and calories. Eating just 2 tablespoons of peanut butter contains 190 calories which is unpleasant news if you are looking to lose weight. Butter alone also has boatloads of fat. Eating peanut butter with bread is an easy way of gaining weight. Fresh Fruit Juice Sometimes considered the hidden culprit for weight gain, fresh fruit juice often goes unnoticed.

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