50 Foods You Must Avoid If You Want To Lose Weight (Part 2)

Eating fresh fruit is better than squeezing out its juice. The sugar content present in juice form causes weight gain and obesity. Without any fiber the fruit increases sugar levels in the blood which later gets stored as fat. Fried Chicken Fried chicken is America’s favorite soul food. Sadly it contributes to massive weight gain. When chicken is fried, it becomes dense in caloric content.

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This happens because it loses water and absorbs the oil. When eaten every day, not only will you gain weight but also increase cholesterol leading to heart problems. Ice Cream Ice Cream is made from heavy cream, loaded with sugar and incredibly dense in fat content. Just 1 cup of vanilla ice cream contains 14 grams of fat. If you find it difficult to cut back on it, then only have it as an occasional treat. You can also substitute commercially prepared ice cream with the low-fat ones. Crackers are high in everything that causes an increase in weight. They contain artificially added salt, sugar and fats and fall under the category of ultra-processed foods. If you wish to turn it into a healthful snack then you can eat them with carrots, celery or hummus. Avoid them completely if you are looking to lose a few of pounds. Cream cheese Cream cheese is a popular dessert spread.

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This versatile dairy product is made from the heavy fat combination of cream and milk. Cream cheese produced in the USA contains 33 percent fat. Sure, it is a good source of Vitamin A and antioxidants, but the cons outweigh the pros. Just 2 tablespoons of it contains 100 calories and 9 grams of fat. Energy Drinks if you’ve been skipping meals and substituting them with energy drinks then it's time for you to stop. They have zero nutritional value and are high in empty calories and sugar. Drinking even 2 cans of it every day is considered over consumption. Often associated with sports and athletic activities these drinks are very harmful in the long run. Jam Fruit jams are a part of a balanced breakfast, especially for kids.

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Despite the delicious taste there is nothing more to it. This classic sweet spread is made by simmering fruits in high calorie sugar and zero fiber. It is also dense with glucose and leads to weight gain. Replace it with freshly cut fruit topping or some other organic spread. Savory Sauces Barbecue sauce, ketchup, ranch, classic mayonnaise and others contain shockingly high amounts of calories and fat. Just 1 spoon of mayo contains 10 grams of fat and 100 calories. Sure, these condiments make any bland food delicious, but they are not good news, if you are looking to lose weight. Basting chicken or any meat with barbecue sauce is as good as deep frying them. Coffee Creamer Coffee has gained major hype among the people in the US, however the creamer in it causes weight gain. Coffee alone is rich with nutrients and essential vitamins but the moment you add dairy creamers, everything gets cancelled out.

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This can wreak havoc on your weight loss goals. They not only contain fat but also emulsifiers that cause digestive issues. Refined Pasta When it comes to weight gain, pasta is a tricky food. A staple in many cultures, whole grain pasta is a good choice for a healthy diet routine. On the other hand, refined pasta has had most of its nutrients and fiber removed, and the body digests it as it would any sugar, sending fat stores to your belly. You can make the switch easily and say goodbye to belly fat. Onion Rings Onion rings is a staple among fast food and is often eaten with burgers and a soda. They are not only deep fried but are also coated with a layer of breadcrumbs, flour and eggs, all of which are the usual suspects in weight gain. 100 grams of onion rings contain 411 calories! Completely getting rid of them from your diet will show quick results. Tortilla Chips the combination of tortilla chips and guacamole may seem like the perfect healthy snack, but that is a common misconception. 100 grams of these processed chips contains 25 grams of fat! With minuscule amounts of calcium and iron, their nutritional value is not impressive and has dangerously high levels of sodium.

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Overall, tortilla chips because more harm than good. Large Coffee Drinks Large coffee drinks like a vanilla latte, iced white chocolate mocha and others can cause some serious weight gain. While black coffee helps in breaking down large foods into smaller bits, large coffee drinks contain heavy, whipped cream, large quantities of sugar and artificial flavoring. All these add ones negate the positive characteristics of coffee. Just one of these drinks everyday will bring your weight loss journey to a standstill. Pie If you deconstruct the ingredients of a pie.

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